Physical Activity

Exercise is not just about burning calories, it plays an essential role in boosting your mood and psychological wellbeing ‒ this in turn enhances your motivation to eat well!

We advise gradually increasing physical activity during the Weight Loss Stage of the programme, stepping this up significantly during the 8 week Stabilisation Stage once you have reached your target weight. A good diet is essential for weight reduction, but physical activity is vital for maintaining that lower weight.

If you don’t already have a Personal Trainer, we advise that you find
one at a local gym. She/he will help you to exercise safely and effectively. From there, whether it be in the gym or elsewhere, you will seek to build enduring exercise habits.


Getting Started 

A great place to start is with a Personal Trainer (PT) at a local gym. Your PT can ensure that exercises are done correctly and within your capabilities. Learning how to exercise efficiently and effectively will make the best use of your time and efforts.

Building Muscle 

At least some of your focus should be on building muscle. Not only will this enhance your body contours, but it will help to raise your resting metabolic rate so that you can consume more calories without regaining weight.

Enduring Enjoyment 

Gyms are not for everyone, and the crucial factor is to find physical activities that you enjoy and you can factor into your life long term. Regular physical activity is crucial to maintaining a lower weight.

personal training
personal training

Your PT will provide advice and guidance on how to exercise well, how to efficiently exercise when you are short of time, are not able to attend a gym and what exercise works best for you.

Our 5-point programme

This is just one area of the Temple Vie programme. Explore more below!

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